Multi Specialty Billing
Our billing and collection services are proven to increase cash flow by maximizing reimbursements, reducing payment times, and decreasing denial rates. We regularly achieve 99% of collectible receivables in 30 days.
Medical Specialties
- Neurosurgery
- Physical Therapy
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Nephrology
- Orthopedics
- Internal Medicine
- Dental
- Optometry/Ophthalmology
- Dermatology
- Occupational Medicine
- Mobile Imaging
Our Billing and Collection Services
- Electronic Claims Submission
- Data Entry
- Tracking allowable by procedure code or payer
- Denials worked daily
- Team of collectors dedicated to collecting accounts receivable
“Since ProBill began handling my billing and collections, they have positively affected my bottom line and have more than paid for themselves. I am encouraging you to give them a call and see how they can help you, too.”
Tom Bertuccini, M.D., Lafayette, La.

We take care of your business, so you can take care of your patients.
516 Verot School Road
Lafayette , LA 70508
Local: 337-291-2455
Facsimile: 337-233-3896
Advanced Billing Solutions, Inc.
516 Verot School Rd
Lafayette, Louisiana 70508
Toll Free: 1-866-451-2455
Local: 337-234-1182
Facsimile: 337-234-8845